Hope. Clarity. Renewal.

Online therapy for the woman who (mostly) has her stuff together.

Hope. Clarity. Renewal.

Online therapy for the woman who (mostly) has her stuff together.

Hope. Clarity. Renewal.

Online therapy for the woman who (mostly) has her stuff together.

About you

You’re an ambitious, high-achieving professional. A big goal-setter and go-getter whose career, relationships, and life path are fruitfully on the course you’ve set. You’ve got it all together.

You’re successful.

Except…you don’t feel like that on the inside.

You’re relieved your friends, family and coworkers can’t see what a mess you feel like inside. How much you worry, how hard you are on yourself when you make a mistake.

How you’re disappointed with yourself for being a people pleaser, still, or that you can’t seem to feel fulfilled in your relationship.

How you feel sad or so much ‘meh’ at times about your life, even though you may be long passed a difficult or traumatic time in your life and you now have everything you thought you wanted.

You’re tired of feeling stuck


You want to be successful and happy, but you can’t figure out how to get there from here.


Therapy may have crossed your mind, but you’re not sure it’s a step you can take, or if it’s for you.


Cultivate more well-being and satisfaction in your life

You can, and it is.

Many women experience these feelings at some point in their life, and they can often benefit from talking with a supportive person who can help them to unwind and sort these experiences.

Women who are more connected with their authentic selves and their personal truths often experience greater well-being and satisfaction in their lives.

I welcome an opportunity to help you get into better alignment with your true self and release what no longer serves you, so you can start to feel better. It’s absolutely possible to heal your past and transform your present.

Hi. I'm Dr. Carol Anderson

If you’re kind to everyone except yourself and you’re tired of criticizing yourself and putting you last, we can work on your relationship with yourself, so you have a safe place emotionally to come home to.

If you feel sad and uninspired with your life or your anxiety is seriously impacting your quality of life, I can help guide you out of that maze of anxiety and depression so you can find more peace and joy in your life.

If you seem to keep getting into unhealthy relationships, I can help you get clarity on why so you can attract a healthy partner in better alignment with you living your best life.

I’m a clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience and I specialize in helping modern, successful women like you navigate the unique challenges they experience.

I want to help empower you to live a life full of freedom, lightness and joy.

“When awareness is brought to an emotion, power is brought to your life."
-Tara Meyer Robson

Contact Me Now

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment. I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.